Project Dispatch
Depending on the Dispatch selected, Project Dispatch allows you to:
- assign employees, equipment, trades, equipment types, contacts and teams to projects;
- assign service calls, work orders, quotes or projects to employees;
- assign work orders or projects to equipment.
- Employee Management
- Equipment Management
- Equipment Management
- Define Trades
- Contact Management
- Dispatch Project Management
- Dispatch Model Management
maestro* > Projects > Project Costing > Dispatch > Project Dispatch |
Assign Resources to a Project
- In the Project Dispatch window, select Projects from the Dispatch drop down menu below the top toolbar.
- Select, if needed, a Dispatch Model.
- Select a display Filter. Filters allow to limit the choices of employees, projects, equipment, etc. to dispatch. The filters available in this field are set up in the Views Configuration option.
- Assign Resources (employees, equipment, trades, types of equipment, contacts and teams) to a project by using the dispatch grid.
To view only those resources that are available check the box Filter resources based on daily availability.
To be available for dispatch on the grid, resources must first be selected in the Dispatch Template Management.
An employee already dispatched during the same working day is displayed in the list of available employees, if the time range do not overlap (only if the grid has a level of detail in hours or less).
Contact types must be defined prior to being available for dispatching to a project; go to Define Contact Types and check the box Contacts in window Dispatch Template Management; individual contacts will now be available for assignment to a project from the dispatch grid.
Employees/Equipment Grid
Tabs |
Serves to |
List |
Display employees by employee number listing their status, first name, name, category, equipment, trade, occupation type, years or level. NOTE: To filter employees by any of these categories use the filter icon at the top right-hand corner of the panel. |
Skills |
Display employees grouped by skills. |
Trades |
Display employees grouped by trade. |
Certificates |
Display employees by certificates. |
- In the Employees tabbed panel (listed by selected date), click the employees and drag-and-drop them on the project grid (on the desired date and time).
- Employees dropped on the dispatch grid appear as sky blue rectangles whose length depends on the work time allocated. A yellow circle indicates that the dispatch is now visible in maestro*MOBILE. When mobile users confirm their presence at work, the circle turns green. An empty circle indicates that the employee has left the work site whereas a red circle shows an employee who is absent.
- The start and end time are determined by the default employee work hours or the hours outlined in Define Work Schedules. To modify the hours, right-click on the dispatched Employee and select Edit Dispatch. The dispatcher can also move the rectangles, expand or shrink them to match the assignment.
- If an employee is linked to an equipment by default, the joint dispatched assignment appears on the grid in two parts (sky blue for the employee and yellow for the equipment).
- Click an assigned employee on the dispatch grid and right-click to display the context menu. For more details about this menu, refer to the Appendix of this document.
If an employee is assigned to a shift that passes midnight, the assignment will appear only on the start date when the dispatch Detail is set to day.
- In the Equipment panel (listed by selected date), click the equipment and drag-and-drop it onto the project grid (on the desired date and time).
A warning message will be displayed if the selected employee is inactive.
- Equipment assigned on the dispatch grid appears as yellow rectangles whose length depends on the time allocated. A yellow circle indicates that the dispatch is now visible from maestro*MOBILE. When mobile users confirm the equipment presence at work, the circle turns green. An empty circle indicates that the equipment has left the work site whereas a red circle shows an equipment that is absent.
- The start and end time is determined by the default project hours. To modify the hours, right-click on the dispatched Equipment and select Edit Dispatch. The dispatcher can also move the rectangles, expand or shrink them to match the assignment.
- Click the Equipment assigned on the dispatch grid and right-click to display the context menu. For more details about this menu, refer to the Appendix of this document.
If an equipment is associated with an employee and that employee is not needed for the given day’s dispatch, right-click the equipment to Edit Dispatch and delete the employee lines in the Employee panel.
- In the Trades panel (listed by selected date), click the trade and drag-and-drop it onto the project grid (on the desired date and time).
- Assigned trades on the dispatch grid appear as dark green rectangles whose length depends on the time allocated.
- The start and end time is determined by the default project hours. To modify the hours, right-click on the dispatched Trades and select Edit Dispatch. The dispatcher can also move the rectangles, expand or shrink them to match the assignment.
- Click the Trades assigned on the dispatch grid and right-click to display the context menu. For more details about this menu, refer to the Appendix of this document.
Types of equipment
- In the Types of equipment panel (listed by selected date), click the type of equipment desired and drag-and-drop it onto the project grid (on the desired date and time).
A warning message will be displayed if the selected equipment is inactive.
- Assigned Types of Equipment on the dispatch grid appear as salmon colored rectangles whose length depends on the time allocated.
- The start and end time is determined by the default project hours. To modify the hours, right-click on the dispatched Type of Equipment and select Edit Dispatch. The dispatcher can also move the rectangles, expand or shrink them to match the assignment.
- Click the Types of equipment assigned on the dispatch grid and right-click to display the context menu. For more details about this menu, refer to the Appendix of this document.
- In the Contacts panel (listed by selected date), click the contact and drag-and-drop it onto the project grid (on the desired date and time).
- Assigned Contacts on the dispatch grid appear as blue rectangles whose length depends on the time allocated. A yellow circle indicates that the dispatch is now visible from maestro*MOBILE. When mobile users confirm the contact presence at work, the circle turns green. An empty circle indicates that the contact has left the work site whereas a red circle shows a contact that is absent.
- The start and end time is determined by the default project hours. To modify the hours, right-click on the dispatched Contact and select Edit Dispatch. The dispatcher can also move the rectangles, expand or shrink them to match the assignment.
- Click the Contact assigned on the dispatch grid and right-click to display the context menu. For more details about this menu, refer to the Appendix of this document.
- In the Teams panel (listed by selected date), click the team and drag-and-drop it onto the project grid (on the desired date and time).
- Assigned Teams on the dispatch grid appear as purple rectangles whose length depends on the time allocated. A yellow circle indicates that the dispatch is now visible from maestro*MOBILE. When mobile users confirm the team presence at work, the circle turns green. An empty circle indicates that the team has left the work site whereas a red circle shows a team that is absent.
- The start and end time is determined by the default project hours. To modify the hours, right-click on the dispatched Team and select Edit Dispatch. The dispatcher can also move the rectangles, expand or shrink them to match the assignment.
- Click the Team assigned on the dispatch grid and right-click to display the context menu. For more details about this menu, refer to the Appendix of this document.
Header ribbon for display control
Field |
Purpose |
Filters |
Dispatch by project number, project description, construction project, status, start and end dates. |
Calendar |
Select a specific date, based on the calendar view selected. To navigate dates use the arrows located on either side. |
Find employee/equipment |
Search for employees, equipment, trades, types of equipment, contacts & teams by using full or partial search terms in order to view specific dispatches. |
Footer ribbon for display control
Field |
Purpose |
Number of Projects |
Select the number of projects that can be viewed on the dispatch grid. |
Number of Days |
Select the number of days that can be viewed on the dispatch grid. |
Detail |
Modify and define the level of detail that is to be viewed on the dispatch grid: month, week, day hour, 30 minutes, 15 minutes. |
Zoom |
Adjust the zoom of the dispatch grid. |
Show Work Hours Only |
Check to view only work hours. |
Show Weekends |
Check to view only weekends. |
Assign a Project to Equipment
- In window Project Dispatch, select Equipment from the drop-down menu Dispatch.
- Select a template from Dispatch Model.
- Select a Filter from the list.
- From the Project panel, assign the given Project to the relevant equipment listed on the dispatch grid. The same project can be linked to several pieces of equipment; that is that several pieces of equipment can be dispatched to a single project.
- Projects panel
- In panel Projects, click the project and drag-and-drop it onto the dispatch grid (on the relevant equipment, date and time).
Projects that have been dropped on the dispatch grid are shown as white rectangles whose length is based on the assigned work hours. The dispatcher can also move the rectangles, expand or shrink them to match the assignment. - Select a Project dispatched on the grid and right-click to display a context menu. To obtain more details on the menu, refer to the Appendix of this document.
- In panel Projects, click the project and drag-and-drop it onto the dispatch grid (on the relevant equipment, date and time).
- Projects panel
Assign a Project to Employees
- In window Project Dispatch, select Employees from the drop-down menu Dispatch.
- Select a template from Dispatch Model.
- Select a Filter from the list.
- From the Project panel, assign the given Project to the relevant employees listed on the dispatch grid. The same project can be linked to several employees, that is that several employees can be dispatched to a single project.
- Projects panel
- In panel Projects, click the project and drag-and-drop it onto the dispatch grid (on the relevant employee, date and time).
Projects that have been dropped on the dispatch grid are shown as white rectangles whose length is based on the assigned work hours. The dispatcher can also move the rectangles, expand or shrink them to match the assignment. - Select a Project dispatched on the grid and right-click to display a context menu. To obtain more details on the menu, refer to the Appendix of this document.
- In panel Projects, click the project and drag-and-drop it onto the dispatch grid (on the relevant employee, date and time).
- Projects panel
Context Menu – Resource Assignment (Employees, Equipment, Trades, Types of Equipment, Contacts, Teams)
Right-click any dispatched resource to access the following options. These options are available when they are relevant to the task and when the dispatch type is set to Projects. The right-hand side resource columns display an X when the resource’s contextual menu provides access to the associated option.
Options |
Employees |
Equipment |
Trades |
Types of Equipment |
Contacts |
Teams |
Add the assignment to the employee’s Outlook calendar
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Close all dispatches for the project
X |
X |
X |
X |
Close Dispatch
X |
X |
X |
X |
Edit all dispatches for the project on XXXX-XX-XX
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Edit all dispatches of all projects on XXXX-XX-XX
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Consult the Dispatch
X |
X |
Edit Dispatch
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Delete Dispatch
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Cancel the project dispatches (ProjectName) on xxxx-xx-xx
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Delete all dispatches from the project (ProjectName) on xxxx-xx-xx
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Delete all dispatches on xxxx-xx-xx
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Copy assignments from the project XXXX for the day XXXX-XX-XX to…
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Copy assignments for the day XXXX-XX-XX to…
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Long-term dispatch management
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Change the presence status
X |
X |
X |
X |
Change trade
X |
Change the status of the schedule confirmation
X |
Dispatch before lunch break
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Dispatch after lunch break
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Print the schedule of employee / contact XXX on XXXX-XX-XX
X |
X |
X |
Print Dispatch List for Project XXXX on XXXX-XX-XX
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Print the schedule for all projects on XXXX-XX-XX
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Print a list of resources for all projects on XXXX-XX-XX
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Print a list of equipment for all projects on XXXX-XX-XX
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Send the schedule to the employee / contact XXX
X |
X |
X |
Send the schedule to employee / contact XXX
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Send the schedule to the employees for project XXXX
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Send the dispatches for project XXXX to the foreman
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Send the dispatches to all foremen on XXXX-XX-XX
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Send the resource list to the project manager of project XXXX
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Send the resource list to all of the projects' project managers on XXXX-XX-XX
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Send a text message to the employee / contact XXX Send a text message to the selected employees NOTE: If more than one employee is selected.
X |
X |
X |
Add/edit notes for the project
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Users can copy one day onto another day within the same project as well as to another project. When copying multiple days, the pasted schedule follows the original order. When the work schedule is modified from the mobile, the dispatch grid will update and the revised hours will be used when doing a copy-and-paste. An entire week can be copied onto another while preserving all the details. |